The management of Adeyemi College of Education (ACEONDO) hereby announces the sale of Application Form for the PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION (PDE), 2017/2018 Academic Session. The Programme is designed to provide professional training for:
1. Academically qualified persons who are interested in qualifying as professional teachers
2. Teachers on the job without the requisite professional certificate
3. Qualified teachers who wish to improve their professional and teaching skills
Holders of:
– Higher National Diploma (HND)
– Bachelor’s Degree (B.A, B.Sc, etc)
– Master’s Degree (M.A, M.Sc)
– Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Duration of the Programme
The Programme lasts for ONE (1) Academic Session of Two (2) semesters (Successful students would be registered and inducted by the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) at the end of the programme)
Mode of Application
Interested persons should pay the sum of fifteen thousand (N15,000.00) naira only through e-Transact Pay Outlet platform from any commercial Bank and collect a PIN.
Then visit the College website at for the completion of application form. (On no account should any sum be paid into any private Bank account)
1. Visit http//
2. Click on 2017/2018 Professional Diploma in Education
3. Enter your username (What you can always remember), email, password and confirm your password, and Click on Register
4. There are two methods of payment:
a) Online Payment:
Click on “make payment”, follow the on screen instructions, enter your card details when requested.
b) Bank Payment:
Visit any commercial Bank in the Country.
– Ask to use the E-transact payoutlet platform to pay for Adeyemi College of Education 2017/2018 Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) Application Fee
– Pay the sum of N15,000.00 naira only (bank charges may apply).
– The bank will generate a PIN (Confirmation Order No) for the processing of the Application online.
5. Click ‘My Application’ and fill the form correctly as editing is not allowed once application form is submitted.
6. Candidate must ensure that they print hard copy of the processed application form and submit Two (2) copies to the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PGS&R), Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, along with the following documents:
a) Academic Credentials (Results)
b) Academic Transcript (To be sent directly to the Director, Directorate of Postgraduate studies and Research, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo)
c) Letter of Introduction from 3 Referees
d) Payment Receipt from the registration portal
6th February 2018
For more information, Contact:
08067198329 | 08065144017 | 08035303699 | 08060229825