To all the Jamb applicants for this year 2018, I have a very special treat for you. You see, Jamb as we all know is now completely computer based. And there are lots of CBT practice softwares out there. But, none of them is FREE (which is because nothing is free any more) don’t worry, mine is going to be free absolutely free.
Most CBT practice softwares are free to download, but majority of the softwares need a license code for you to be able to access all the subjects and to enjoy the software. They’ll give you a free trial, but it’s always limited to not more than 10 questions.
The good news here is that, Dr Mind (Exam officer) has brought a lasting solution to this problem. Most sites charge from 1k upwards for a single license key, which can be used only one one system.
I will give you my own CBT software for free, which you can use on multiple systems, without any license key. This software was developed by a group of friends in Lagos, we decided to do the unthinkable, so as to help millions of students out there who need this software out there. A big shout out to them.
So, all you need to do is download the software from the link I will provide, and then install it on your computer.. You are good to go.
Happy Practicing! I wish you the very best as you prepare for Jamb..”